Discover NARRATÈ® authors

Get to know them on this page

Discover NARRATÈ® authors

Get to know them on this page

All the stories are written specifically for Narratè®, we do not ask the authors to summarize a theme, whatever it may be, but to capture its true essence and convey it with the utmost simplicity, so that it is within everyone's reach.

Scroll and click on the photos to learn about our writers and which stories they have created for Narratè®.

All the stories are written specifically for Narratè®, we do not ask the authors to summarize a theme, whatever it may be, but to capture its true essence and convey it with the utmost simplicity, so that it is within everyone's reach.

Scroll and click on the photos to learn about our writers and which stories they have created for Narratè®.

"I have heard people say that the short story was one of the most difficult literary forms, and I've always tried to decide why people feel this way about what seems to me to be one of the most natural and fundamental ways of human expression [...] " - Flannery O’Connor
"Tea is drunk to forget the din of the world." - T’ien Yiheng

And a book too, we love to say.

What Narratè® offers is an original, exciting, totally 'immersive' experience, in every sense.

"C'è chi dice che il racconto sia una delle forme letterarie più difficili, e io mi sono sempre chiesta il perché di questa convinzione, visto che a me pare uno dei modi più spontanei e  fondamentali dell’espressione umana [...] "

 - Flannery O’Connor

"Il tè si beve per dimenticare il frastuono del mondo."

- T’ien Yiheng

...E un libro anche, aggiungiamo noi.

Quello che offre Narratè® è un’esperienza originale, entusiasmante, totalmente ‘immersiva’, in tutti i sensi.