Come l’Internet delle cose (IoT) sta cambiando l’industria
Narrafood Edizioni was born in June 2015, in a notary's office in Monza. Next 2025 will therefore be 10 years since Narratè® began to appear in the shops. The first title was precisely the one dedicated to Milan, in view of Expo 2015: The essence of Milan in a tea. Since then there have been 100 titles in the catalogue, each with its own specific, original blend, formulated ad hoc so that the story continues with flavour. Six editorial lines and 3 series, distributed in more than 400 points of sale throughout Italy. The blends have all become organic, artisanal and made in Italy. And sales grew at the same pace.
At this point we decided that the shape of the brand should respond better to our contemporaneity, this pushed us to re-design the brand and the font...